The Money Tree-Can You Afford Your Space?
CB/Richard Ellis (CBRE) published a recent study confirming that the largest growth segment in the So Cal area is the tenant who...

SB1171 Regarding Broker Representative: A Game Changer in CA
Have you ever wondered if your commercial broker has your best interests in mind? In a recent California case an individual salesperson...

Digital signatures on leases a thing of the Past?
Digital signatures on leases a thing of the past? Great article on the trend. Speed the process and save trees http://ow.ly/JT0pG

IREM, an Organization of Property Managers
The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is an international community of real estate managers dedicated to ethical business...

Who Manages Your Real Estate?
In 1993 I was working for Marcus and Millichap Corporate Real Estate Advisors. Our mission was to provide support for companies who had...

New California Bureau of Real Estate Now Has Teeth!
Commercial real estate has always been the “red-headed stepchild” of the California Bureau (formerly Department) of Real Estate. In years...